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Access Control


Bronto offers a flexible access management system that allows you to customize the level at which you control access to your Bronto resources.

Role Based Access Control

Roles categorize users and define what account permissions those users have, such as what data they can read or what account assets they can modify. By default, Bronto offers three roles.

Role NameDescription
AdministratorThe Administrator Role grants individuals full access and control over the application.
StandardThe standard role grants full access over all non sensitive areas of the application.
ReadOnlyThe read only role grants read access to non sensitive areas of the application.

Custom Roles

Create custom roles to combine multiple permissions into new, tailored roles. A custom role allows you to assign various CRUD permissions across Access Management, API Key Management, Billing and Usage, Dashboards, Integrations, Limits, Log Management, Monitors, and Tags Management.

Once a role is created, you can assign or remove permissions directly by updating the role in the Organization Roles Settings page.

Custom Roles