Agent Setup
Bronto currently supports FluentBit and Vector. Follow the steps below to install the agent on your server and configure it to send logs to Bronto.
Generate an API Key
Before configuring your chosen log collection agent you will need to create an API Key. You will need to copy the API key to a secure location, because we do not make this available to you again, i.e. you cannot retrieve the full API key again after generating it.
You must have admin privileges to create API keys.
Choose agent
- Fluent Bit
- Vector
- Open Telemetry
- Fluentd
- Datadog
- Logstash
Fluent Bit must be installed on the server hosting your logs to ensure efficient and reliable log transportation.
- Ubuntu/Debian
- Redhat/CentOS
- Docker
- MacOS
- Kubernetes
Use the following single line command to configure the Fluent Bit repository and install the Fluent Bit log collector.
curl | sh
Manual instructions
Add Server GPG Key
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/fluentbit.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/fluentbit.gpg
Add Repo
In order to download the latest version of Fluent Bit, add the Fluent Bit repository to your source list.
echo "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/fluentbit.gpg]"$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fluentbit.list > /dev/null
Install package
Install the Fluent Bit from the repository setup in the previous step
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fluent-bit
Configure Fluent Bit
After installation, Fluent Bit requires an output configuration to communicate with the Bronto system.
flush 10
daemon off
log_level info
name tail
path /path/to/your/logs
refresh_interval 5
mem_buf_limit 5MB
skip_long_lines on
name http
tls on
match *
host ingestion.<REGION>
port 443
format json_lines
compress gzip
header x-bronto-api-key <YOUR_API_KEY>
header x-bronto-service-name <YOUR_SERVICE_NAME>
header x-bronto-service-name-namespace <YOUR_SERVICE_NAMESPACE>
header x-bronto-tags: <key1=value1,key2=value2>
Parameter | Value | Requirement | Description |
name | HTTP | Required | Specifies the output plugin used by Fluent Bit. |
tls | on | Required | Enables the use of TLS for secure communication. |
host | ingestion<REGION> | Required | The Bronto endpoint responsible for ingesting log data. Supported regions: EU & US |
port | 443 | Required | Specifies the network port for communication. |
format | json_lines or msgpack | Required | Specify the data format to be used in the HTTP request body, by default it uses msgpack. |
compress | gzip | Optional | Recommended. Compresses the payload in GZIP format. Bronto supports and recommends using gzip for efficient data transmission. |
header (x-bronto-service-name) | Your Service Name | Required | Specifies the name of the service |
header (x-bronto-service-namespace) | Your Service Namespace | Optional | Specifies the namespace for organizational purposes. |
header (x-bronto-tags) | Tags | Optional | Specifies the tags to apply to logs. A tag is a key-value pair applied to a log to hold metadata about that log. Each tag is a label consisting of a key and a required value. |
Verify log collection
Once you have applied your configuration and restarted Fluent Bit, you can expect to see your log data being ingested to Bronto and accessible via the Search page